We are a clan that is seeking non-toxic gamers who just want to have positive experience inbetween real-life responsibilities. You will not be expected to have specific gear, play all day, always know what to do, or use Discord.Our focus is having fun while acquiring: bounties, triumphs, tasks, awards, gear, and quests in a collaborative and non-competitive way; in mostly PvE and some PvP.
Players that are impatient, pushy, aggressive, overly competitive, and that belittle other players will not be tolerated. Discussing real life religion or politics should be considered off-topic and ignored. While candid banter is allowed, keep it PG-13, and no name-calling please.
Clan Banner

Since we are new, our membership is temporarily open to all that apply. First, open up the Destiny 2 Companion App and select "clan", or visit this link in your preferred web browser. Next, type "DEGAS" into the search field. Then, select "join clan".
▪ Age 13+
▪ Active Monthly
▪ Speak English
▪ Age 21+
▪ Active Weekly
▪ Destiny Companion App
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Trials of Osiris
Bright Dust
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Savathun issues a warning to the CLΛN ĐΞĠΛS!
Debra Wilson, professional actress, who plays the voice of Savathun for Destiny 2, has issued a warning to the CLΛN ĐΞĠΛS. How seriously should we take this threat? Is it even a threat, or just a roast? Strangely though, she speaks as if she knows those that came before us, our predecessors from the times of the Risen. We need to come together and show our strength!
Savathun issues another warning to the CLΛN ĐΞĠΛS!
Debra Wilson, professional actress, who plays the voice of Savathun for Destiny 2, has issued a another warning to the CLΛN ĐΞĠΛS. How seriously should we take this threat? Is it even a threat, or just a roast? Strangely though, she speaks as if she is returning...

Seeking to fill clan admin roles!
CLΛN ĐΞĠΛS is seeking officers to fill the admin roles for the clan. There are 5 roles to be filled, with one member per role, on a "first come, first serve" basis. The 5 types of roles are:
Vanguard Officer: open
Crucible Officer: open
Gambit Officer: open
Dungeon Officer: open
Raid Officer: open
Apply through the companion app.

All clan events have been suspended, indefinitely.
Due to the lack of Destiny 2 player base, and lack of our clan participation, all events have been suspended. This includes our annual silver prize events, such as: Halloween contest, and the Destiny 2 Dawning cookie bake-off contest.
Sparrow Race Contest
Halloween Guardian Costume Contest
The Dawning Cookie Bake Off Contest
Date: November 13, 2021
Games: Destiny 2
Divisions: Single
Minimum: 3
Maximum: 100
Founder: Xarcell [ Destiny Profile: Xarcell#4099 ]
Reason: Primarily, we needed a clan that did not require Discord.
We are a clan for Destiny 2 that supports cross-play and is full of casual gamers who's skills vary from Blueberry to Sherpa. Our members are mostly grown men and women who have real-life responsibilities on top of their passion for gaming and are looking for non-toxic gamers to build long lasting friendships with.Most of us play actively before or after work and have to sacrifice other things to make time for gaming. So, we deeply value our gaming time and want to achieve the best possible experience while we play.Although small, we are a solid clan. We have our own domain, website, logo, seal, guides, events, YouTube channel(work in progress), Discord(only if you need it), merchandise shop, and our clan even has its own lore.
CLΛN ĐΞĠΛS is a group of Guardians that are a part of an ancient legacy, where each individual member is referred to as a ĐΞĠΛ. They can be found all over the system, fulfilling orders from the Vanguard, taking part in the Crucible, and exercising their right to a Gambit. Sometimes, they can be found plundering destinations in search of answers to their age old legacy. Delve into our library and read up more on our clan lore here.
This is our logo. Simple, but sweet. Trademarked.

So uhhh... yeah, we have our own Seal. I mean, why not?

Most of us don't really use Discord because we play on our living room TV while slouching on the couch and eating chips, but its here if you need it.
Not much to see, but we do have something. That's better than nothing, right?
We are at Level 6(max) clan, Kudos to us, and we have hit Level 6 every season since inception.
The Modern DEGAS
Not Really New Clan, But Reformed One.When it became known that Osiris was actually Savathun, a group of Guardians who use both the Light and the Dark, decided to revive an ancient order called the ĐΞĠΛS. The original ĐΞĠΛS were Risen, before they were called Light-Bearers or Guardians, who sought to understand both the Light and the Dark, and studied its craft in secret.The newly reformed group sought to hunt down Savathun and slay the Hive God before the Witch Queen can grow any stronger in power. As the ĐΞĠΛS believe that the powers of the Light & Dark must be earned, not stolen.
Recovered Information On The Ancient DEGAS
In the meantime, the archives of the ĐΞĠΛS are being combed through and studied for secrets to further understanding the Light & Dark, and its correlation to each other. Correspondence between Zavala, Shaxx, Drifter, and the original ĐΞĠΛS have also been recovered. It is hopeful that explanation will soon come to light as to why the original ĐΞĠΛS died out, or was captured, or perhaps they are still trapped in an undisclosed location.The discoveries of rumors, stories, and other information about the original ĐΞĠΛS that are found each season are shared below:Season Of The Lost(15)It seems little information about the original ĐΞĠΛS is currently available. Some even doubt they even existed. However, we did find some relics of CLΛN ĐΞĠΛS such as armor donned with their crest. There are also documents in Zavala's office with reference to them, but that have been almost fully redacted except for one. Apparently, they kept most of their research & development a secret from everyone else. Why the secrecy, and where did they go?Season Of The Risen(16)It has been discovered by reviewing Savathun's memories, that in addition to studying the Light and the Dark, the original ĐΞĠΛS were also studying SIVA technology, to use against her brother: Oryx - The Taken King. However, some of the researchers were trapped inside the storage facility when it was sealed by Saladin and the Iron Lords. It is speculated that some of the original ĐΞĠΛS research on weaponizing SIVA technology was recovered by Fallen, just before the tomb was destroyed.Season Of The Haunted(17)The Crow, formerly known as Uldren Sov, now having regained most of his memories, recalls a small group who called themselves ĐΞĠΛS were stationed for some time at The Reef, just outside the Dreaming City. He does not know if they remain, but his sister Mara Sov reported that this group were there to seek an audience with Riven Of A Thousand Voices, the last known Ahamkara, for reasons unknown.Season Of Plunder(18)In one of the caverns on the moon, we discovered an abandoned ship named "Horizon" that belonged to the original ĐΞĠΛS. After a discussion with Toland, he claimed two of them followed him there, but refused to answer as to why. We did find an unusual weapon on that ship called "Quicksilver" that seemed to constructed with unfamiliar technology. It is currently being analyzed. A transcription was also discovered within its comms of the ship.Season Of The Seraph(19)During the Elinski Quarter cleanup effort in the Last City, equipment bearing the ĐΞĠΛS logo were discovered in Spider's Horde. However, when Spider was questioned about the equipment, he claimed to have acquired it in a trade from a group of Fallen that salvaged the equipment from a crashed Fallen ship belonging to the House Of Scar. Among the equipment was a receiver detecting an active distress signal originating from somewhere on Neptune. Along with that, a journal entry written by original ĐΞĠΛS clan member Savalynn was found among the mess.Season Of The Defiance(20)After the Vanguard discovered the city on Neptune we decided to go there hoping to find remnants of the original ĐΞĠΛS clan, or perhaps a surviving member, but so far we have turned up nothing, except some audio. Although we did learn to harness the power of Strand, we will continue the search for our predecessors on Neptune. Even though a trail leads to here, doubts ensue. Where else could they have gone?Season Of The Deep(21)We traveled to Titan to speak to Sloane about a document she found about some members of the ĐΞĠΛS clan. It involved clan founder & leader Marokai, and their clan medic Kyra'edo. Sloane claimed she found it in the Titan science database and that the ĐΞĠΛS clan had a laboratory there, where they attempting to tap into the power of the Darkness against Zavala direction. The remains of the laboratory are now scattered somewhere along the ocean floor.Season Of The Witch(22)While traversing through Savathun's Spire we collected cards belonging to the "Deck Of Whisper's". There was one card in particular that was stained with the ĐΞĠΛS logo and some words written on it. The card was labeled "Prismatic" and had a picture of a Guardian using all the powers of Light & Darkness. We found no other clues.
The Ancient DEGAS
Here are three books that are a collection of reports, messages, letters, and journal entries by the original members that have been discovered in the archives or other places that shed a light on the original founders of CLΛN ĐΞĠΛS. Pages are added to various books periodically, as soon as they are discovered.

The Lore Was Removed Due To Inaccuracies. Writing Destiny 2 Lore Is Hard!